Network Speed Tester

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About Network Speed Tester

Network speed tester

Internet use has now become an essential part of the lives of most peoples. We use the internet on some devices like; • Smartphones • Smart TVs• Computers • Tablets• Laptops These days there is a lot of concerns about Internet speeds.

 The reason for this is that the internet has completely changed the way we communicate with each other, play sports, consume entertainment, listen to music, and work. The challenge to the mind of every internet user is:' What is good internet speed.' But how do we decide how much internet speed we need? You can run an internet speed check, but what does that tell you, and how valuable the knowledge you get from it is.


There are some Internet speed testing services, such as; Comcast speed test, Verizon speed test, Ookla speed test.

Streaming: This is a download form but is not saved on any computer. When you watch a film on Netflix or YouTube, it streams the movie from a storage device somewhere else to your computer. You just need to watch the movie with a certain amount of bandwidth without it stopping and buffering during play. You need not download the video to view it.

Download: The download is the direct transfer of data to your computer from one location. For download uses more bandwidth than to stream. You download and store software, games, photos, emails, and so on your laptop.

Upload: A copy is a reverse. When downloading a file from another computer is transferred to your device, uploading to other machines would move a file from your device.

Discuss internet speed data

The three data elements shown in most internet speed tests are; ping: this illustrates computer network latencies. In a more straightforward sense, it means the delay between two computers until data can be transferred. Once you run the test, it tries to find a server that takes as little time as possible to respond to a request for data exchange.

Download Speed: The test requires that the server send data across and clock the amount of time it takes to transmit the data sample. The average download time is shown as the download speed, indicated in Mbps (megabits per second).

Upload Speed: The test sends sample data to the server and checks the amount of time it takes for the data to reach its target. It is shown as the speed of download indicated in Mbps.

What is decent speed on the internet??

It's a frequently asked question by internet users. The problem varies as; what is a reasonable speed for gaming on the Internet? What is a decent pace for streaming on the Internet? The answers to those questions vary. Online gaming capacity is around 150 Mb an hour. To stream movies, you need to stream.7 Mbps to 5.3 Mbps, according to Netflix. It takes less bandwidth to stream the audio. You will predict what good internet speed you need to meet your current and future internet needs when you know the bandwidth that is being used.




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