Get Source Code of Webpage

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Get source code of a webpage

About getting Source Web Page Code In some cases, you may want to see the source of a webpage, particularly in some instances where you need to know the source of this particular webpage. Several sites won't allow you to do that, but the Source Code Viewer will let you see the source code precisely without any hassles. Website owners and advertisers seeking to know the source code would want to test the way the functionality of a particular URL is looked at and the source code is searched for.

You don't need to worry about achieving this aim today because this tool does the trick correctly to solve the problem.

Why are SEO people and Website owners using this tool?

No installation is required at the Source Code Viewer. Hence its use is in a moment, producing the results they need in a few seconds. The tool has been helping thousands upon thousands of people create the source code of any HTML page for quite some time. In this case, they can test the features of those different URLs, which means they can see how those site pages function, and what their characteristics are.

If you are an online marketer,  a website owner or an SEO user, you can use this tool to access the source code without difficulty or without taking the time to install anything on your computer or device

Few things to look for in source code:

 the < head > tag— Except for the title of the page, all between the tags < head > and </head > is not available on the web page. Generally, this is where you will find references to other files, such as style sheets (CSS) and the occasional JavaScript file, that the HTML file you are viewing uses to make things appear as they do.


The < body > tag— The vast majority of the HTML file and all identifiable components of the webpage are found in the tags < body > and </body>. Here you can see all the coding that contributes to components appearing the way they do, from headers to text paragraphs, images, and beyond.

< div > tags— These Tags create page content divisions using a style sheet-specified ID. This ID refers to CSS code telling the division where it should be put, how big it should be, how it should behave, and other styling properties like colors, border, and margins. A well-designed, modern website often uses tags < div > to position content.





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