Color Picker

CSS Color

What is meant by color picker?

A color picker (also color chooser or color tool) is a graphical user interface widget, usually found within graphics software or online, used to select colors and sometimes to create color schemes.


What is the color picker tool do?

 The Color Picker Tool is used to pick a color on the active layer. By clicking a point on a line, the vibrant color can be changed to that found under the pointer. The choice Sample Merge lets you capture the color as it is in the picture, resulting from the combination of all layers.

How does it work?

This tool makes it easy to create, change, and play with web-based custom colors. It also makes it easy to switch between various CSS-supported color formats, including HEXA colors, RGB (Red / Green / Blue), and HSL (Hue / Saturation / Lightness). Alpha channel management provided in the formats RGB (RGB) and HSL (hsla).


As you adjust the defining color parameters, it will appear in all three standard Web CSS formats. Also, a palette for HSL and HSV, as well as alpha, is created based on the currently selected color. The color picker box model "eyedropper" can be toggled between format HSL or HSV. You can also check the colors and the way they match

Features of this color picker tool

Calculation of pixel distance between points.

Colour list for saving the picked colors.

Its Ability to open, edit, and save Adobe Photoshop

User comments and notes for picked colors.

I am changing the HTML/Hexadecimal and RGB color codes into the corresponding colors.

It is a text tool for evaluating the readability of the selected font and background color combinations.

CSS-compatible color codes.

Copy the color code to the clipboard with one click or automatically.

Multi-display support.

No need to install it. Color Picker is a portable application, and you might run directly.





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