Domain Age Calculator

Select Your Date of Birth

Today's Date is:

Your Age is:

27 years, 7 months, 12 days

Your Age in Month is:

331 months, 1 weeks, 5 days

Your Age in Week is:

1440 weeks, 6 days, 14 hours

Your Age in Days is:

10086 days, 14 hours, 36 minutes

Your Age in Hours is:

242078 hours, 36 minutes, 25 seconds

Your Age in Minutes is:

14524716 minutes, and 25 seconds

Your Age in Seconds is:

871482985 seconds since your birth

About Domain Age Calculator

Domain Age Calculator

What is the domain age?

In simple terms, "Domain Era" refers to the amount of time a domain name has been in existence for. It's how old a domain name is. So, for instance, if a domain name was registered in 2010, by 2020, the domain age will be 10.

Will SEO Apply for Domain Age?

The age of your Domain may be a critical factor in how Google ranks your Website, but not for the reasons many thinks. Some people believe that the older their Domain is, the higher their chance of moving up in the search results. But, is domain age a ranking factor specifically? Is a brand new domain rankable?  What are the problems in SEO regarding new areas? Is Domain Age Important?

How does the domain age calculator work?

The process is straightforward.

Go to

Now select your date of birth and date of that day.

Also, add month and year

Now click on the Submit button.

Now you will get your required result.

Why do we use Domain age calculator to check Domain age?

There are various reasons why you want to test a domain age, which is listed below.


But first, remember that you may decide to check: the age of an existing domain you want to purchase The age of Domain of your competitors or just the age of your domain name.

Of course, the primary reason to test the domain age is to know WHEN the Domain has been licensed, and now it is HOW OLD.


Now, chances are you already know when you registered your domain name for the operation. So if you were to check it out, that's not the best way to spend your time and won't do you a lot of good (unless you've forgotten your domain name when you registered).




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